How to Deal with Rejection in Your Job Search
A job search is a lot like roulette. There are lots of numbers but the ball will only fall in one of them. What can you do to keep yourself motivated over the next few months? [...]
5 Tips for Making a Job Transition
Are you unhappy in your current job? Or, are they unhappy with you? Don't wait to start your journey. It may take longer than you expect to move to another company or a different position [...]
5 Tips for your job search
As I have said many times, a job search is a marathon, not a sprint. So what are the five things you need to remember to keep doing, day after day, week after week, month [...]
5 Steps Closer to “YES”
So you are going on interviews and second interviews, but not hearing back. You wonder, What is going on and how can you increase your response rate? (1) Be prepared with your specific accomplishments that [...]
5 Steps Closer to "YES"
So you are going on interviews and second interviews, but not hearing back. You wonder, What is going on and how can you increase your response rate? (1) Be prepared with your specific accomplishments that [...]
7 Proven Job Interview Questions – and What to Look for in the Answers
This is a great article from Google's Hiring team: 7 Proven Job Interview Questions—and What to Look for in the Answers The Hire Team Published Sep 13, 2018 How do you know when you're [...]