How to Reach Employers (From Cold Calls to Meeting)
You have your list of companies. You know your job target. Now you have researched the names of hiring managers two levels above the job title you are going for. How do you make the [...]
5 Tips for Baby Boomers in the Job Market
If you are a baby boomer and have been let go, due to re-org, re-engineering, takeover, or some other reason beyond your control, listen up. It is a jungle out there! Today I am going [...]
How do I Best Answer Employment Ads on the Internet?
You spend your day at your computer answering ads for jobs. But you are not getting responses. It seems like your application goes into a black hole. Well, that is partially true. You should be [...]
How to Overcome Obstacles and Roadblocks
Have you experienced any obstacles or roadblocks tin your job search? All of us do at one point or another in the job search. Here are some common problems and what you can do to [...]
How to Answer 5 Difficult Interview Questions
In preparation for your interviews, you need to expect that there will be at least one, or more, "zingers." Questions you wish they didn't ask, but which you know will probably be asked, based upon [...]
5 Things to STOP and 5 Things to START in your Job Search
Just checking in to see how your job search is going. Not getting the results you expected? Here are five things you need to STOP doing and 5 things you need to START doing to [...]