When your job search is going well, you probably don’t need outside, but if you encounter any one of the following, then a coach can guide you through…

You need a coach
1) When you don’t know where to start. If you were just laid off and you’re feeling depressed and anxious. A coach can give you techniques to cope a schedule of activities. Keep you motivated and on track.

2) When you are changing fields e.g.going from finance to pharma or profit to nonprofit. A coach can guide you to building a new network how to approach people learn about a new field and meet people. A coach can help you figure out what to say and practice what to say during a network event or private meeting.

3) When you are answering ads on the internet and not getting responses. Only 10% of job seekers actually get a job from answering job postings. A coach will show you 4 ways to find a job and how to crack the hidden job market.

4) When you have an offer and want to negotiate for more vacation days, a higher salary, or better benefits. A coach will practice how to negotiate by asking for small things you don’t really care about and get “nos” before asking for bigger things to get “yes.”

5) When you have to choose between two offers. A coach will go over the pros and cons to help you make the right decision. The coach can write the letter declining one offer and the letter accepting the other offer.

Next career workshop starts September 17, 6-8 PM in Midtown. Register here:
Once you register you will be given details on the location.

(c) 2018 Amy Geffen All rights reserved
