How Do I Ace the Interview?
After you apply for a job, or write directly to a company,chances are if they are interested, they will call you for a phone screening, even before they call you for an in-person meeting. If [...]
How do I effectively network for jobs?
Networking is one of the two best ways to find your next job. Are you going to at least one to three networking events a week? How do you start and end conversations? How do [...]
5 Ways to Distinguish Yourself from Other Candidates
You're going for a particular job title. All the other people with that same job title have done the same things as you have. Or have they? Maybe not. So how do you distinguish yourself [...]
How to Deal With a Work Gap on your resume
At some point in our careers, we all have had period of job inactivity – at least most of us…when we were unemployed. We lost a job, left a job, had to take off time [...]
How to Deal with Rejection in Your Job Search
You are in a job search... you send out hundreds of letters, make dozens of phone calls, and get no response or rejection letters. You go on interviews. You get rejected. How do you deal with [...]
How do I know when it is time to change jobs?
Have you been complaining about your job, how boring it is, or how you hate your boss, or you're not learning anything new BUT you have done nothing about it? If this sounds like you, [...]