If you are job hunting you need to re-connect with everyone you know and expand your network – get yourself in front of the right people in the right industries to get into the companies on your job target list.

If you have not looked for a job in a while, or are changing industries, or are new to the job market, here are some ways to build your network:
1) Join the professional association for your job title -Every profession has at least one association and some have more than one.  Doctors have the AMA, attorneys can join the ABA, neonatal nurses the NAPNAP, CPAs have NYSCPA, and association execs can join ASAE.  Become active on a committee to get to build relationships.
2) Join your alumni association – if you have more than one degree, join each alumni association from each of your schools, including high school.  Go to events or become active on a committee. Alumni are more willing to engage in conversation or give advice or make introductions for your job search..

3) Become active as a volunteer for one organization that speaks to your passion – Housing Works, Meals on Wheels, Girl or Boy Scouts, local religious institution, tutoring, mentoring, etc.  You will meet people from all different fields who know all kinds of people.
4) Join a civic or religious organization – a local Chamber of Commerce, Elks, Masons, synagogue, temple, church, mosque, etc.  This is one more opportunity to meet new people and build relationships.
5) Follow your passion – Do you like to hike?  Join AMC or SIerra Club and go frequently.  Do you  like to sing?  Join a local chorus and go every week…  get to know your choir companions.  When you follow your passion you meet other people who love what you love and oh, by the way, they work in different fields in different companies.
Remember: 40% of people get their next job through networking.  Expand your network and improve your chances of getting your next position.
(c) 2019 Amy Geffen All rights reserved.


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GetFive Certified Coach5 Steps to Build Your Network5 Steps to Build Your Network5 Steps to Build Your Network