In a recent op-ed article a recruiter complained about all the mistakes people made in applying for a particular job opening.  There were dozens of resumes from people who had absolutely no experience in the field, or they did and were not specific about how they could help the company.  He listed his phone number and only two candidates called him!

Follow these rules and you are sure not to get asked in for an interview.

Follow What Works if you want to get interviews.
1. Use one resume for any job title.  What Works:  Tailor your resume to a specific job title or function. You may wish to create several resumes if you have different job titles in mind.
2.  Apply to any job that sounds interesting, even if you are not qualified.  What Works:  Apply if you have 70-80% of the qualifications.  Most job announcements are wish lists and the hiring manager does not expect to get 100% of the skills and requirements listed.
3.  Don’t call after you send a resume.  What Works:  If a number is listed (rarely) do call.  If a number is not listed, do your homework and find a telephone number for the hiring manager and CALL.
4.  Use the same cover letter for every job you apply for.  What Works: Tailor your cover letter to the specific job using key words from the job description and respond to the challenges the company is facing.

5. Describe every job you have ever had. What Works: Everyone with the same job title has pretty much the same job description. Differentiate yourself with specific accomplishments on the jobs that are relevant to the position you seek.  No need to include every single job.
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